Thursday 6 November 2008

Costume, props, lighting


Lighting is not going to be a huge issue in other opening as we are going to be filming in daylight for a certain amount of shots. Because we are filming in quite an open area shadows won’t be a problem. When we are filming in the forest the trees will create darkness giving it a night time affect and also making it simpler to darken by editing.


The children in the school bullying scene will be in school uniform. The children in the park will be in casual weekend clothing of their own choice. The girl will be in evening wear which will then be ripped and covered in dirt. Our villain will be in dark clothing and a hoodie.

Mise-en scene

We will be using a football to create a normal day with children. The use of knives and blood are horror conventions that are always seen throughout a horror film it gives the audience an idea into whats happening and defines the genre.


The bullying denotes a boy being tormented by other children the connotation may be that the victim is mentally scarred causing mental problems and even the need for revenge. The fact that we don’t ever see the villain creates more suspense.
Children are usually seen as a convention because of their innocence and lack of knowledge. That is why we are going to use children on our opening. We chose to use the murder scene as the forest because the general tension a forest can create and also it can relate to the audience and how most people would not like to be in the forest alone in the dark.

The sound will be of a general whistling and the tree branches moving. This will be diagetic sound with maybe some non-diagetic sound put in to emphaise the creaking and moaning in the forest.

1 comment:

Ms Johnson said...

good comments jess